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What is EFT?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a powerful healing tool which enables you to clear negative emotional blocks to the body’s energy system which might be contributing to your current emotional and physical problems. It is quick and easy to do and can often bring remarkable results In a short space of time. It is very effective in treating anxiety and stress, fears and phobias, sadness and grief, traumas, performance issues, addictive behaviours, low self esteem and depression. With the mind/body connection, as the negative emotions and beliefs are resolved, it opens up the way for improvements in physical health.

Gold Standard EFT, or Tapping, is often known as the emotional version of acupuncture. Instead of using needles, you simply use your fingertips to tap on the acupuncture points on your body while focusing on the emotion you wish to release.

Optimal EFT is Gary Craig’s latest innovation in EFT. It uses the same approach by focusing on the negative issue you wish to resolve, but instead of tapping, you bring in Higher Guidance, known as the Unseen Therapist. It is a very powerful and effective healing tool and can bring about great peace. The ultimate goal of Optimal EFT is to bring inner peace to the system which opens up the way to live the life you were truly meant to live.

Check out the amazing results people have received using EFT here

You can check out Gary's official EFT website here:

While EFT has produced excellent clinical results and is gaining in scientific support it is not yet widely accepted as a formally, validated scientific technique and thus must be considered experimental in nature, with no guaranteed outcome for any individual. As an EFT Practitioner I am here to help you release negative emotions and beliefs which might be contributing to your emotional and physical issues. I am not a medical practitioner and cannot diagnose or treat illnesses or diseases and will always advise you to consult appropriate options from medical and psychological professionals.



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